Set Yourself Free From These 10 Investing Myths!

6 min readJun 21, 2021

hi guys i want to share with you 10 myths

first belief why people do not invest
in the stock market myth number one

stock market is very risky it always goes up
and down up and down yes it is true it is very

risky if you do not know how to it’s kind of like
driving a car without a car license isn’t it that

risky then dangerous yes it is so it applies to
the same like stock market if you do not know

how to invest if you do not have the right mindset
and the right strategy it will be dangerous but if

you have the right mindset and strategy it is not
risky and it gives very good returns myth number

two if the stock market crashes i lose everything
overnight well this kind of thinking comes from

movies usually we see that this guy becomes
bankrupt overnight when the stock market crashes

it’s not going to crash overnight when the stock
market goes down by 10 it is called correction

and when the stock market goes down by 20 it is
called a recession it will not crash overnight

don’t worry myth number three investing requires
a lot of money and i do not have the money or i

can’t afford it right now is it really true for
example one episode requires how much it’s only

120 dollars now for one apple stock and if you
buy 10 apple stocks and it costs you 1200 and it’s

even less than buying an iphone the latest iphone
so there’s no excuse it’s not really a matter of

whether you can afford it right now or not it is
a matter whether you have the confidence and you

believed in the stock market and you believe that
you’re doing the right thing before i continue

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the buy low and sell high concept now there’s
nothing wrong with this concept in fact it

is a very good theory how to buy low at the
lowest i want to sell high at highest that is

when you make the profit true correct but many
people people with this mindset this mentality

they tend to say they are trying to imply that
i know when is the lowest to enter and know when

is the highest to sell the problem is in this
world nobody knows exactly when is the lowest

and highest to enter the market even the best the
greatest guru himself warren buffett he does not

know so what do these people do you just wait
and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait

basically no action been taken and true enough
if the moment really comes when the market is

really low the economy is also in a very
bad shape would they would they actually

invest likely not because they are inexperienced
they’ll be freaked out it’s kind of like i got

a car license but i didn’t drive for 10 years
and now i have to enter into a car competition

that’s very scary it’s the same i got a trading
account but i didn’t trade at all for the past

10 years but now when the market is really low
it’s time for me to enter in will i really enter

the economy is really bad
likely not myth number five

work hard and save up to become rich nothing wrong
with that we all have 24 hours a day 7 days a week

and 365 days a year the problem is not about
working harder working for longer hours the real

problem is that our money is not working hard
for us it just sits there and the bank relax

and chew getting to know how to invest is one of
the simplest way to become wealthy not just rich

myth number six i don’t know about investing
so it is better to leave it to the hands

of the expert to handle it they are the
best right you see when i was in my 20s

i also talked likewise i don’t know
about investment i believed in investing

i believed in investment so naturally
i also lift my money and put my money

to the expert so-called expert and guess what
after a few years i lost twenty thousand dollars

then i realized this fact that nobody cares about
your money more than yourself statistically it

has shown that 96 of the funds manager cannot
beat the market cannot beat the index funds

so i begin to learn how to invest myth number
seven i wish i can be wealthy someday somehow i do

not know how but i believe i will but i’m not the
risk taker type you see every day we are taking

some form of wrist even the moment we step out of
the house how we know that a flower pot will not

drop from the sky and crash our head when we cross
the road how we know that if there is no not some

reckless driver coming towards our direction what
it really means is that i’m not willing to learn

i’m not willing to put in the extra effort to
pick up new skills to get to know how to invest

wishful thinking is not going to be a reality if
you are not going to take any action when you take

real action reality can come and you are one
step closer to your dreams if number eight

stock market is like going to casino
to gamble definitely a no no no

gambling is based on love and probability either
you win or lose you do not own any assets when

you invest in a stock you are owning a piece of a
share in the company you are owning you’re owning

an asset you become the shareholder of the company
can you gamble in the stock market yes you can

when you do speculative trading which i do
not recommend coming to myth number nine

stock market is for the smart ones like the
brokers it is too complex for me to understand

this is another convenient way of saying that
i’m not willing to try i’m not willing to

learn how to get the skill set if you
know how to put your money in the bank

it is the same like going to the stocks and buyers
stocks index funds are the savers and gives a far

more better returns than your money in the bank
it has survived all the major events like the wall

walls the great depression and the recession
we are coming to the last myth myth number 10

stock market is already so high know how to
invest how to go in like that i’m too late

know this high can always be higher the
index fund is always going from high to

the higher but stock market is not always going
a straight line up it goes up down up down and up

down even if you cannot time the market when
is the highest and lowest in the short term

but you know for the fact that over a long term
period of time the index the stock market is going

to go up just look at the historical chart
and it will show you ultimately my friends

it is our own belief system that limits our own
potential limits our own success and sabotage it

it is definitely not your circumstances it
is definitely not your financial situation

it is definitely not your background where
you come from it is our own belief system

change your belief system and you change your
life are you willing and do you really believe

and willing to take whatever it takes
to make it a success if you like this

video do hit the like button i appreciate so
much finally my friends stay safe and invest well




Options & Stocks Investor. Business Striker more than 10 years. If Jack can invest, yes you can too!